Tuesday, November 15, 2022

A New Addiction.

This started way back in January 2019.

I do love singing.
My housemate does know that well. LOL.

I do sing everyday 
but usually I sang along to youtube and never thought to sing seriously.
one day I thought why not listen to my own voice?

so, then I found myself downloading SMULE. hahah.
that app was a hype back then because of Khai Bahar.
I had good feeling about this.

after I sang the first song, I really enjoyed it!
but singing the second song was almost impossible when I need to pay for the song.
What? Nah! Being the stingy me, I instantly delete the app.
No way I am going to pay for that!
So I scrolled the PlayStore looking for another singing app.
and there you go!
I found this app named WeSing.

I sang the first song without getting my hope high up.
I thought it was going to be similar to smule.
no way it is free, right?

The first song led to second, then third and forth.
Wait, it won't ask me to subscribe?

Guys, it is free!
All songs are free!

You don't pay a penny!

Now it had been 2 years I am singing on the app, I never regret a bit.
This app has been my close company since July 2020,
in which I found new friend and new circle.

guys, go download the app and find me there.
my profile name is 𝔽𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕙𝕚𝕟. 

If U come from this post, do find me there, and say 

Thursday, November 10, 2022

it's 2022 already :)


Dear blog,
How are you?

Well, a few days ago, 
a friend of mine had brought up this topic about "aib blogpost dulu-dulu."
and i cannot but to remember this beloved blog i had haha
and how i actually wrote a lot back then.
i, unknowingly, read again my previous blogposts lol.

the last post was about me getting my leg back, 
and it has been 7 years since i had it fixed. 
my right knee has been working so hard for me since then

throughout from 2015 - 2022, i had travelled a lot.

2015 - stuck on the bed recovering from ACL surgery.
2016 - South Korea (with Dhilah and Kema)
2017 - Lombok Indonesia (with Fatiah's friends)
2018 - Japan and South Korea (with Amir, Sarah and Fatiah) 
2019 - South Korea (with family)
2020 - should be Sri Lanka but Covid19 striked
2021 - border still closed, and i had positive covid in January.
2022 - still under braining that travel is okay now.

wow, amazingly, i managed to wrap up 7 years in a simple post like this lol.

as i'm writing this post i come to realized that i do love writing, 
especially in expressing my thoughts.
but i kind of forgetting the beauty of it 
since i have been writing simple yet funny short posts on facebook for the past 7 years.
btw, i got lots of love from the facebook post gais, hahaha.

as for now, i am trying to not publish or advertise this post to public much.
i will start to remove all the unnecessary items on my blog and keep it simple.

do wish me luck even if u are not someone i know.
and yes, i hope u are not someone i know.
but if u are someone i know, please do keep this blog a simple secret.

2022 at the age of 32.

(yes, still a Cassiopeia tho)

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Getting my leg back. :)

it has been 8 years. no running, no jumping, weak leg,lutut rasa longgar. rasa mcm lutut tercabut dr soket. pergh. damn painful bro! lapan tahun tahan.

8 years ago, masa form4. nak jadi cerita, aku jatuh masa main netball (masa tu utk player selection). lepas jatuh,langsung aku berhenti main. sedih ya amat. seminggu dua jgk x pergi sekolah due to the pain. tp instead of going for further check, aku just pergi urut2 tradisional. ingatkan cuma salah urat kata orang tua2. after 2 weeks, dah boleh jalan semula, so everything looked ok.

but at times, i could feel the pain. especially bila aku put tooo much pressure on my right knee. example, lari, jumping, run down the stair, lompat longkang luas. nope nope nope. even if aku nk lompat pon, i will never ever landing dgn kaki kanan. sakitttt. pernah tersalah lompat, lutut aku bengkak smpai seminggu.

mcm mna sakit tu? imagine k. tulang kat lutut terkeluar dr soketnya. dua2 joint tu bergesel and kau xboleh gerak unless u put them back. and to put them back, kau kena luruskan kaki dan dia aku bunyi "tuk". tadaaa..dah masuk balik. so boleh bangun and jalan mcm biasa.

this pain, still painful in my mind. tp lepas 8 tahun, mgkin my knee dah terbiasa sampai i x rasa sesakit itu dah. what made it worse is that, masa tengah jalan pon, lutut boleh tercabut. urghh!

aku bagitau kt member what i had since 8 years ago, and dia nasihatkn aku pergi check. it turns out, ramaiiii sangat kawan2 aku yg suffer the same way i did. cuma, dorg memang player bola, so people can see the reason. me? yg debab ni, people mcm xcaya aku wakil netball sekolah. duluuu..kikiki..

what i did was, get the appointment with the orthopedik clinic in hukm. (i learnt that bukan senang nk dpt appointment tu, aku dpt coz bantuan dr member aku, if not kena start melalui emergency department which will take a longer time.)

bila dah buat MRI and getting the result,the doc explain about the pain i have. it was ACL complete tear. OMOMOMOOOOO. bukan koyak babe, PUTUS TERUSSS..aku mmg mcm dah expect bnda tu but bila putus terus tu, mmg terkejut mak. huhu..after that, the doc tak tanya apa dah. he said "OK, operation boleh buat urm bulan 11 (2014) je kosong". and i was like 0.o.."xde cara lain ke doc?". "nope, sebab ligament awak tu x sembuh sendiri. kita kena ltk screw." [sekeruuu?? serious skru?? :-O]

after bincang2 psl payment sume,aku dpt thu it going to be RM6K++. buntang mata kuuu.then after cakap elok2 dgn doc,
aku cakap "doc, sy rasa sy nk postpone la operation tu ke tahun depan.sebab tahun dpn sy dah kerja. HAHAHAHAAHA".
 doc yg baik itu ckp, "awk konfem ke keje?".
"insyaAllah sy dah posting msa tu. paling x pon bulan 5 konfem dah keje".
"ok la klo mcm tu, awak nk bulan brapa?".
"bulan 11 tahun depan".
"laaa, betul2 setahun ni. awak x sakit kan?boleh tahan sampai setahun?"
"boleh doc,duit punya pasal. hahahah"
"ala 7 tahun awak tahan, xkan setahun xboleh kan"
haipai doc!

thennn, stahun berlalu.
payment total up to be RM9929.00 (almost 10K ok!) termasuk gst.
klau aku nk byr sendiri mmg masak la ni..
nasib baik kerja gomen..huk3

now, dah hampir 3 minggu operation selesai. it was a painful 3 weeks and coming.

doc said "operation cuma tolong awak 30% je. yg 70% tu awak sendiri kena exercise"

doakan aku exercise dan terus kurus k. HAHAHAHHA

ps-once in a while, bila dah free, bkk laptop sambil download cerita, teringat kt blog labah2 ni.

Monday, April 20, 2015


as a part of my life.
the life i once wished i won't jump into.
the life i kept on believing yet.
the life i turned myself into.
the life i had been striving.
the life i kept on trying.
to keep on living.
regret not. because this is the path i had chosen
chosen by heart.
chosen by love.
chosen with will.
chosen with sane.

Friday, January 16, 2015

KPOP Scandal. Do I even care?

itu soalan yg 1st kuar dlm paler otak bila terbaca pasal isu kpopop yg baru ni.
sape yg kenal aku, msti dy tahu aku ni minat tahap mana kt kpopop nih.

aku minat?yes minat. tp kenapa leh kuar soalan camtu?
sebab aku sendiri xsuke bila kpop jd menular. hahaha
ye la..klo aku gila sorg2 pon xpe. xde org suke lagu yg aku suke pon ape de aku kesah.
aku dengar pkai earphone hokey.
tp tula nk buat cemane, xleh nk deny psl kpop ni makin fofuler. mkin ramai org dengar.
biaq p la xpaham sepatah pon,janji kpop katanya..choii.

tp,as a kpopopers,aku faham reaksi budak tu.
kenapa dia pergi,kenapa dy boleh ada ats stage.kenapa die dipeluk.
seyes, aku faham.
eh,bukan aku nk ckp tu betul. nope nope nope.
tp aku nk kata, aku FAHAM.
sebab aku pernah teringin mcm dia..hahahahaha
heyyyyy bukan dipelok la..tp dok dekat dgn org yg aku suke.
bertahun kot dok layan lagu depa.dok layan variety show depa.dok terkinjakinja try ikot step tarian depa.
tiba2 depa nak dtg Msia,siap ada pass naik stage lg utk aku,special. sapa mahu tolakkkkkkkk.

tapi bila jadi issue (wlaupon realitynya,benda ni pernah berlaku sblm ni),
semua jadi x sedap. semua jadi haru. semua jadi parah.
semua nk menyalahkn. semua nk berkata2.
tapi adakah semua yg dok berkata tu faham? nope,i bet, X langsung.
bahkan xpernah nak try utk faham tntg ape jadi masa tu.
semua jd dlm sekelip mata. sekelip mata.
tak ada kontrak sebelum naik stage yg kata "U will be hugged on stage, be well prepared please"
choii,x ada semua tuuuuu.

bila jd issu, siap nk ade hukuman penjara,
Ya Allah. kesian budak2 ni.
nmpak gmbr mcm budak2 u je tu. insyaAllah masa masih panjang untuk mereka berubah.
masih jauh perjalanan masa depan dorg.
wlopon hanya 6 bulan.status after 6months masih bekas banduan hokey.
rekod dorang x akan bersih.
pendek kata,tu sume, in a trial to "ruin those girls' future lives"
no no no good.

hukum lah. tp hukum dengan sewajarnya.
kalau takat nk hukum sebab takut orang mengata jabatan agama xbuat kerja, or pandang remeh hal mcm ni, please don't proceed with the jail thingy.
sebab kalau nk tengok jabatan agama betoi2 buat kerja, dah lama program makcik pakcik nyanyi bergedik atas stage smbil peluk2 tu xkuar kt tv.
klau betoi nk cakap "lebih jijik dari peluk anjing", tolong jijikkan jugak adegan2 pelok yg dalam derama derama melayu (yg of course sesama islam) tu. itu lagi jijik.

p/s-kalau depa buat salah boleh dimaafkan dengan hanya mintak maaf, kenapa budak2 muda ni x boleh?

setahun kemudian.

after setahun akhirnya aku menulis.
gelak xhabis la klau gini.
bukan takat bersarang lelabah, siap sarang tebuan.

2014 hanya 1 post.kih3
parok parok.


Friday, January 3, 2014

I have A dream.

I have a dream.
One fine day, I will be a teacher teaching English in some part of South Korea.
This dream is made once i know about Korean Thingy.
The love I feel toward Korean Thingy developed ever since I was in elementary school but that’s another story.
I love English and the dream is created because most Korean do not know English.

When I studied in university, the course I took was definitely not English language based. It’s health-related course. Optometry. To be precise, an eye-related course.
However, after 2 months of studying, I was offered to do something definitely, 100% related to what I dreamt off.
It was a one-step-closer opportunity for me. I grabbed it.
It is Teacher Training Institute, major English Studies.
Daebakk isn’t it?

Now, I have one more year to go.
I am still thinking of how I can grab any opportunity to teach in Korea.
I even searched for any volunteer thingy.
I did found one, but realistically, I am still bounded with contract I need to fulfill.
If u know any, please do tell me.

Although Korean culture has developed massively since the first time I know them, and English has become one of the most difficult subjects in Korea, and yet still learnt, I believe Korean still need a good English teacher.
Although I know until I wrote this, there are so many people dreamt (like me) and even fulfilled the dream, but still, I will try to keep the dream until one fine day.

I have definitely no rule about this dream.
As long as I be able to teach there,
How long it will take, even one day, it is fine.
How much will I get, even none, it is fine.
Because it’s DREAM.

For me,
Dream is not for living, but for satisfaction.
U may not need to dream to live, but u need to live to dream.

Friday, November 1, 2013

gomo kelate gomo !

ticket for the match are ready.
now waiting for the d-day.



kelantanese, lets go make the stadium a red tsunami! =D

Sunday, October 27, 2013

places to go in Seoul.

lamanya tak update!!..
hv been very busy with practical and all..huhu

i forgot to post about places to go.
so here we go.
this post will discuss about places that you should go in korea.

i bet before you read my blog, if someone ever come laa..haha
u had read some other tips from others right.
well, me too.
and here i want to share things that i don't read.

1) myeongdong
perfect place for KPOP lovers!. 
since i'm NOT a kpop lover,then i don't fancy this place much.
people say u can get KPOP things there ina very cheap price.
hurmm, i don't really agree though.
it may sounds cheap in their money sense, but we converted to RM,not that much difference though..huhu
i didn't buy anything there. not even DBSK's stuff. weird?
well, i'm in budget travel, remember?..haha
p/s-maybe it was me who had gone to wrong shop, but as far as i'd gone,the ahjumma are nice but if u dont hve that bargaining skill, they'll chop yr head,really.

perfect place to find clothes! 
when i was there, i realized why korean people are good in fashion. 
it's because they have a very good competition!. 
their designers compete to create the trends.
the building was HUGE,i can find sorts of things there.
i bought korean silk there. thought of making baju raya, but my tukang jahit xsempat nak siapkan.dem

perfect place for food.
this is for muslims especially.
when u come down to itaewon,u'll feel like home.
in yr left and right, there are halal food everywhere.
tinggal nak pilih je.
but of course, it's not cheap. almost rm20-30 for each.
it's tourist place,u'll find many tourist there.if u see korean, he would probably the shop owners.
some shop owner can speak bahasa melayu very WELL!
perfect place to buy souvenir!
some people say itaewon is also a good place to buy souvenir.
please bear in mine, itaewon is tourist-attention place. the price may be higher.
i experienced that,bought something in itaewon n found it cheaper in insadong.
however, for some reason, i found souvenirs sold by an ahjumma in yeouido is the cheapest.

some people like me initially would love to see the palaces. my advice, go to the palace which is worth enough. they r all building with similar feature. if u allocate one day for all palaces n u take pictures at each palaces, u might forget which palace is which since they r all the same! well,some distinct feature do available but it's not worth it. anyway, u hv yr own judgment. for me, gyeongbok is a good one. other palaces, is ok, but i just wish that u dont waste yr time n money for the sake of similar kind of building on yr pictures.

i really miss korea now. T_T

my travel my own money.meaningful =)

wow... this post dah lama aku tulis tp bru sempat nk publish..hahahah..bad me..cerita dah basi bro!
anyway, ehem~

some popular questions when u go there.
by koreans
1)  뜨거? (means:aren't u feel hot?) lbih kurang camni la depa tanya..
since we're both wearing tudung. 
smile brightly and says "qwen chan a yoo"..
2) where are you from?
koreans really love to ask this. howeer dont feel shock when they asked, "Malaysian or Indonesian?".
coz only these 2 countries the girls wear this type of scarf. haha.

by fellow malaysians
1) dari mana?

2) datang brapa orang?

3) murah ke datang sendiri?

pandai2 la korg jawab..hahah

what the most important is that, i collected my own money for this. parent gave me NONE for the travel since i didnt tell them before i bought the flight tics.huhu. mian omma. T_T

p/s-my next target is 2015. it may sound too early but i already saving for it. i am still studying oke!!.

although u r a student like me, dont give up. u dont need to wait until u work, for yr own pleasure. because SIKIT SIKIT LAMA-LAMA JADI BUKIT.


my cousin is currently in Seoul now. SOOOO JELLLYYY!