Sunday, May 30, 2010

3days holiday~

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dear diary.....

cuti 3hari.. xtvt aku??ntah,.,hmm...

DAY 1 - thursday..
(cuti wesak)

sbnrnya ak pon xtaw nape kn cuti...
bkn smbut pon..huhu...
tp sbgi student,ak SOKONG cuti!!!..haha..
xtvt aku,xde...
just kuar mkn pkol 2 ptg,(breakfast+lunch)
lps 2 pg tolong dak2 ni siapkn asemen..
sbb ak dah ciapkn aku pye asemen..weee~
pkol 7 dorg ciap asemen..
n 8 ktrg kuar g mkn..kt velo ah mn ag..huhu..
blk blik ak g trn kt blk rehat n tgk tv smpi pkol2pgi...yuhuuuuu~

DAY 2 - friday

"well,ape la sgt xtvt ak rini.."
hmmmm....dr bgn tido ak dok pkir dorg ni nk ikt x aku pg psr seni???
[knp nk pg psr seni?]
nk beli hadiah sket for slhnye...
then,syira antr msg ckp erna ajk pg beli tiket kt putra..
lps tu leh lah g pasar seni..
jnji pkol2,ak dah ciap pkol2,
dorg ckp 230...ok,fine!
ak trn pg blk syra 230,
si arel plak nk ikt..
tgu pye tgu..(smbl diselitkn aksi geram trhdp arel y lmbt)
smpi pkol315..geram tol!
smpi la kt lrt pwtc..
msk the mall jap,cucuk duit..[ade duit kerr??]
eh,ada krnival kt pwtc la plak!..
nk ajk dorg pegi~,,,psr seni lom jljh...hmmm~xpe lah..
lps ccuk,g mkn kfc [cheewaahh]
lps mkn,g beli tiket...
then bertolak ke pasr seni dgn mnaiki lrt melalui msjd jamek..
lps beli souvenirs for lecturers,ktrg blk....
ak xkuar mknmlm...krm kt dah letih sgt...
yus blk je dr velo,ak bw mknn trn ke blk rehat n mkn kt sna...
ak tgk tv smpi pkol230 brsama rumateku..hihihiii...
berakhirlah hari aku y kedua........~

DAY 3 - sabtu

hri ni mmg sebok...
ak dah plan nk kemas brg arini...
tp lupe lak mlm ni ade jamuan kt hostel..aduiihhh...
pg2 lg dorg dah kejut suh trn ke blk rehat coz nk bg tugas...
ak turunlah dgn mata y kuyu n rmbut serabai...(haha)
ak diberi tugas tok cuci ayam..[pergghh...]
cam taw2 je ak pndai bab tuh..(ahaks!)
1030 ak pon trn g cuci ayam kt basement..(dgn semangatnye..haha)
slsai sudaa...
pas2 ak naek blik n bsh baju...gune mesin jee..haha..
2trip lak tue..aduihh...byknye baju y ak dah
sesudah sidai bju,
ak pon dgn ikhlasnye trn la ke basement lg utk tolong akk2 senior mem'bbq'
hehe...byk hlngn ditempuhi...
xperlulah disebut krn ia mnjd igauan bg kami...(waaaaa~)
pkol 8 td aku bru naek..
sesudah mengangkat bju kt ampai...
skunk,ape ptt aku buat???
jam lptop dah menunjukkan 814 n
aku msh belom mandi,
belom ciapkn baju,belom segala2...

mybe ak perlu berhenti disini...
ya,majlis tue mlm ni..hahaha...
sempt lg ak menulis di blog kn???..kui3

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Sunday, May 23, 2010


Cute Divider

today?..not much achievement (huh??)..
just finish watching CHUCK SEASON1..hehe..
[i know i was kinda's now season 3 already..huhu..]

ok,back to the story..
well,Chuck is a good series..
i like it..
thanks to Mr Amier for giving me the story..hehe..

xmo tulis pnjg2..
im gonna start watching season2 plak..hehehehe..

p/s-i forgot to post yesterday's story..(hehe)
i went to TS again,(and of course i bought
so wait for it..h0h0hooo

Cute Divider

Friday, May 21, 2010


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today is not quite a day..
so,nothing to post..
well,i got not idea what to post..
so i guess i'll stop here..

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Thursday, May 20, 2010

my head was chopped!


Macbeth Dramatization dah abes...

bley la aku tdo ng tenang lps ni..kuikuikui..
(ckp mcm tido xpnh nyenyak..haha)
ni nk cite sket ape y dah jd ari ni..hehe..

well,it start with *one thing,i dunno why~..[linkin park]*
bcoz terlampau excited nk abeskn ari ni,
aku TERbangun awal..6.12am (awal ke tue?huhu)
kunci jam pkol 6.30..[mean,i woke up earlier that]
then aku g mandi...630 dah ciap mandi..
ciap2 pkai baju,640..
eh,awl la plak ciap..bkk fb jap..
postkan "monink" <--sbgi tanda ak bgn awal..haha then,ak get ready ng barang2 props and everything..
{already promised with members that we met at 730 for final prctice}
5 mnt b4 730 i went to VICKNEAS room n go wif her..
we were 2nd group to reach there..
[unfortunately] AI LI came in late..;[
we cannot practise..T_T
(well,due to lack of prctise of course)

830,we hve to get into the drama room..
first group...
second group...
third group...
i watch my watch..930..*sigh*
my group will perform 6hours later..wargghh!
since my group was the last group..aduyaii..

i went to buy food at Kak Som's..
i ate half my food..
then,group 5..
then,i strted to get borink sitting..
n i started to help other groups to get ready..

group 6 onward i nvr stay in drama
hang around outside..pretending to be busy..haha..
when group 9 start perfoming,
our group start to get our cl0thes on,props ready n everything..blablabla.
[well,it's just me who did this..huhu]
AMIER was busy wif lcturer's camera
the other 2..busy watching the show..huhu..

when we start preparing,
[i missed many great performances..T_T]
we sat in changing room for such a long time..
with our not-enuf-prepared props n non-adjusted-script n torn clothes n broken swords n many more..

our time had come........
i was not nervous but scared if i forgot my lines..huhu..
acting is not a problem..(lol)
i went in front of the audience and throw everything there..
no shame or nor shy..hahahaha..
i hve to scream,i hv to fight thrice..
first with young siward,secnd n thrd with macduff..
then,i was slain by macduff..

fighting scene was the most interesting part....
everyone laugh watching our steps yang canggung..HAHAHA..
but we manage to make it real coz we belasah je..haha..

our group's dramatization was kinda memorable bcos of some scene..
scene when i fight (of course),
scene when macduff chop off my head ,
(and fake head was thrown from behind backdrop..haha)
*that was funny,i cant help but also laugh(while already dead..haha)*
then,scene when VICKNEAS forgot her lines and said "oh,shit"..haha..
and of course the last one..
scene when everyone in the room said,
"Hail,King Of Scotland"<--following macduff speech..
*Mdm Janice said,that was a really good end for ending the event*

i really feel good abt dramatization..
(bcoz it ends
bcoz it was really fun..
though many things that happen..
caci mencaci,gertak menggertak,salah mnyalah..
but the day ends smoothly..
thnks everyone for your hardwork.. really appreciate it..

special thanks to FAREEZ for becoming our extra..
really apreciate yr willingness to help us..^_^
thnks to lecturers that gv (high) marks for all of
thnks to the other groups that kindly let us use their props..





tiada cerita..huhu..
sbb ari ni terlalu cbuk dgn dramatization macbeth esok..huhu..
ktrg grup y last skli..

cptla bnda ni abes..
ak da xksh nk bg mrkh brapa..huhu,,,


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

TVXQ note diary..

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last friday,i went to
time square..
(temankn kwn beli brg for dramatization..hehe)
i set my trget that "i will go to the shop but dun buy anything!"
but in the end,tokei cina tu pndai tol persuade aku..huhu...
(cubaan menyalahkan org len)T_T

this is what i bought..
(kesian kt beg kulit y aku dah target nk beli..Y_Y)

ada y individual rse mcm xptt je ak beli y micky je..
dy ciap ckp kot ni diary tvxq y last
(means,last stock ok!,y len tggl individual je..)
saje nk persuade ak beli la tuh (lg slh org cina tue)lol

broader look..hehe

kt dlm lak..haha

ni lak sticker y dtg skali ng note diary tue..^_^
free la nih..haha..

nk ckp lah y cina mmg bab persuade mmg perghh,
dy ciap kasi kt aku tali phone free..harga rm10..
dy suh ak pilih nk y mana...

so aku pilih.........


nape aku amek y Hero punye?

ak dah ad y Micky punye...(hehe)


so,skrg aku dah ada....

biarlah rahsia..
(pokai lagi la aku...huhu)

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Monday, May 17, 2010

boring me~

Cute Divider

boring me...

i dunno what to do in lecture hall during
social studies lecture..not Mr Kuru's fault ok..
huhu..his lecture is not borink as usual..
but me!,im the one who dint pay
this is what ive done...


and this
copy from mcky's button on my pencilcase..^_^


really xde keje..huhu..
warrgghh..i hope i can recall back
what Mr Kuru had taught in lecture hall today..

Cute Divider

DBSK Fair in Kinokuniya KLCC

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last 11th of May 2010,
i went to DBSK Fair in Kinokuniya KLCC..
really wanna see it so i ask my friends to come along..^^
in my mind,i was thinking of sumthing so big being shown..
(well,not that bad laaa)
the exhibition is just a very small part of the kinokuniya..
well,i dunno if i missed the other spot or what
but the place i found was kinda small...
but,it's good loh,for cassies like me
to actually be able to show our love to them..

~the banner outside of kinokuniya~

~banner again~

~the real inside~..T_T

mybe i'm just too early..huhu..
the fair begin from 1st May till 31st May 2010..

then,we all went to PetroSains in front of Kinokuniya..

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